oil paintings
Oil Painting Wholesale, We offer oil painting reproduction masterpieces of all categories, Museum quality is guaranteed for all of our oil paintings, And we offer the reasonable price on the internet for our genuine hand-painted oil painting reproductions on canvas, including Impressionism oil paintings, Landscape oil paintings, Original oil paintings, Modern art, Flower oil paintings, Animals oil paintings, Portraits oil paintings, and Classical, Ballet, Still life, Abstract, Children painting, etc.
Mandela painting controversy
A painting that depicts a dead Nelson Mandela undergoing an autopsy provoked outrage Saturday in South Africa, but the artist who created the work has said it is a tribute to the iconic leader, AFP reported. The work by local artist Yuill Damaso has drawn outrage from South Africa's ruling African National Congress. "It is in bad taste, disrespectful, and it is an insult and an affront to the values of our society," the party said in a statement. But Damaso said he meant no disrespect to South Africa's first black president.